
Bulk SMS, Reseller, SMS Gateway Online India, Surat advertising, Best Bulk sms provider in gujarat

Political Parties - Frequently Usage

Bulk SMS, SMS gateway is one of the fastest Communication medium. Political Parties, Communities

Political Parties - Election Campaigns

Election Campaigns and Political strategies are now mostly shifted to Online media. Now a days many political parties are using vas services and other online media to communicate with their volunteers, convey messages to people.

Services We can Offer to Political Parties :- Promotional Bulk SMS, Transactional Bulk SMS, Missed Call Services, Website Designing, Web Application Customized, Voice SMS Campaign, IVR Solutions, Click to Call, SMS to Call, Missed to Call, Web Hosting, Social Media Campaign and integration, Mass Mailing,

  • For internal meetings, outdoor meetings and for other internal non promotional communications you can send transactional SMS with open DND route with Sender Id to party members, volunteers.
  • For Election campaigns you can push huge promotional sms campaign  to large numbers of mobile phone users  on your available database. In few minutes and seconds you can reach to large number of voters.
  • You can send Voice SMS campaigns also to voters and volunteers in your recorded voice so voters feels personal touch from your side for vote appeal. They will receive a voice call from our NDNC filtered phone lines and once they pick up the call they can hear a recorded voice call provided from your side. You can get detailed reports like who all received the call, for how many period they listen the call etc.
  • To engage voters and volunteers with you, you can use Missed Call alerts and IVR solutions.
  • Now, You can send image / pictures link through sms to voters in which you can soft copy link of your flyers, banners so they can access your pictures message directly.
  • To be more live and more personalized and more connected you can send video Campaign to GPRS internet enable mobile number users. They can click on the link and watch the video of your activity, vote appeal, campaigns live.
  • Website is also a very necessary feature that political parties have to add in their list. You can share your thoughts, convey messages, give information, contact detail, future plannings through your websites to normal public.
  • By using click to call or missed call to call or sms to call feature in your list you can easily interact with your users instantly.
  • Long Code Services and Short code Services are also available for general poll, voting, polling, two way communication, customized application usage.
  • We can host all your websites, web applications, reports, database online on a cloud server with shared hosting, dedicate server hosting [linux or windows] with branded emails ids.
  • We do undertake social media campaigns also like blog creating, managing the blog, twitters accounts, tweets updates, facebook pages, facebook - google campaigns, promotions, facebook and twitter integration with web.
  • By using Bulk mailing - Mass Mailing option you can send your thoughts, updates, news letters via mail to your mail subscribers easily using our 250+ ready made email templates with cron and spam filtration facility. You can track Who all Read your mail, unique reads, deletes, link clicks and other IMP facilities also available.

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